Evaluation of the Test Sites
Twelve volunteer evaluators reviewed the test sites. The
evaluators' primary applications for online access to historical newspapers
are historical research (including local history), public library reference,
and genealogy.
The evaluators were provided with survey forms that listed
major features at each site and click-by-click instructions for navigating
the site to find the features. They then were asked to rate the features:
How important is the feature to your work?
essential / important / not important
Does the feature meet your expectations?
very well / adequately / not adequately
Additionally, the survey forms encouraged free text comments
on all features and ratings, and asked for features or performance issues
overlooked by the survey form.
After reviewing all sites, a final survey was administered
to gather summary information about preferences among features, performance
issues, and recommendations for further action.
The following features were evaluated by at least
half of the reviewers as "essential."
Essential features
- Search type (any words or exact phrase on full text or
titles only)
- Search dates (start and end dates)
- Search results--essential (publication name, date, and
link to article; see also "search results-important" below)
- Locating hits in context (easy and legible identification
of search terms in article context)
- Navigating within page (ability to read article in context
on page and to move around page scanning text)
- Navigating between pages (ability to move forward and
backward among pages of the issue)
- Browsing among dates (ability to identify online holdings
for each title-- year/month,/day-and to browse forward and backward
among issues
- Text legibility (presentation of text images to facilitate
reading, including unbroken images, good contrast and edge definition,
and uncluttered background)
- Ease of use of site (uncluttered graphics, easy to understand
features with intuitive icon labels, minimal clicking to desired results,
maximum screen real estate devoted to text images rather than to feature
icons and instructions)
Important features
The following features were evaluated by at least half of
the reviewers as "important."
- Search article type (limiting searches to news, advertisements,
classified ads, births, marriages, deaths)
- # of documents to retrieve (limit the number of hits
in response to a search)
- Search results--important (elements to be included in
the summary listing):
- number of documents retrieved
- article type
- article title/beginning text
- relevancy ranking by # hits in article
Not important features
The following features were evaluated by at least half of
the reviewers as "not important."
- Language (to limit searches)
- File size (for each document retrieved from a search)
- Thumbnail images (of articles retrieved)
Preferences among implementations
Preferences varied among evaluators for implementation of
"essential" and "important" features. In the following
table, preferred implementations are indicated by asterisks; an asterisk
in a cell means that at least half of the evaluators rated the implementation
of a particular feature at a particular test site as meeting expectations
"very well."
[see attached Excel
file "preferences"]
"Quick picks" among current alternatives
If there will be NO further development of the test
site software, the reviewers recommended several sites for further consideration:
TechBooks/Newsbank/iArchives (6 recommendations)
Cold North Wind (3 recommendations)
OCLC/Olive (3 recommendations)
BYTEMANAGERS/iArchives (2 recommendations)
If a FEW CHANGES could be made to the test
site software, the reviewers recommended several sites for further consideration:
TechBooks/Newsbank/iArchives (6 recommendations)
BYTEMANAGERS/iArchives (5 recommendations)
Cold North Wind (4 recommendations)
OCLC/CONTENTdm/iArchives (4 recommendations)
OCLC/Olive (3 recommendations)